




Gary Hamilton選手


He has played in this league for 3 years.  He led the league in rebounding twice, the second in rebounding once.  Also, he was in top 10 in assist.  He can play the pivotal role on our offense.  He has very warm and friendly personality, so that he makes our team chemistry better.  He has been working harder than I had expected, putting in extra hours after the practice.  He will be one of the key players for us off the court as well as on the court for us to become the real “team”.  If he can continue this hard work throughout the season, he will be an invaluable figure on this team.  He has high basketball IQ which really impressed me at the HOS game.  Although he had such a short time, he understood and adjusted to the system quickly.  Eldest among our import and also he experienced bj league the longest, his presense and his words will have great impacts on our team.  I am so happy to have him on this team.

Joshua Dollard選手


This will be his first year in the league.  He had just joined the team two days prior to the pre-season game against Nara and he did not fit into the team at all : ).  Nevertheless, his talent iteslf allowed him to score double digits easily.  His wing span is more than 7 feet, he has got an unique talent not only on the offensive end, but also on the defensive end.  Whether or not he fits into the team will be a huge factor for our success as a team.  If he understands the system and flourishes within the system along with other players, I can assure you that Osaka Evessa’s offense will be very exciting.  Also, if his athletic ability and instinct flourish on our defensive end, that will be a killer.  He has got unlimited potential.  I am really looking forward to coaching him.  He has not been able to work out before he came to Japan, so first thing he has to do is to get back to where he was while he was playing for PBL last year.

Jonathan Kreft選手


He is another player who has no experiece in the bj league.  Just like Josh, he joined the team right before the pre-season game against Nara, but he still provided the strong inside presense.  He is a legitimate 7 footer.  He is a very intelligent hard worker.  I am just so impressed with his hunger for the game.  He is so hungry to play.  Before every practice, he is preparing himself meticulously and works really hard in the practice.  Is he just a hardworker without much talent?  Not at all.  I really believe he has potential to become one of the very special players in this league.  Once he made some adjustments, he can be a very dominant player in this league.  We all know transition to the new league is not easy and there have been many who have never made the transition and have never come back.  I just hope he will make the transition as smoothly and quickly as he can and become the player he is capable of becoming.  If he buys into the system and my philosophy and makes adjustments, he can be very dangerous.  He had merely been lifting weights before he came here, so hopefully his wind will catch up soon and he can show us what he is capable of doing.  I am really excited to have him on this team.


Seth Tarver選手

昨季福岡でプレイしていたbjリーグ2年目の若手選手。福岡ではプレータイムが限られていたものの、終盤ダンカンコーチになってから活躍し始め、クラッチシューターとして活躍していました。夏にロスで開かれたキャンプで直接彼を見て、彼が単にスポットアップシューターではないことを初めて知りました。ドライブ、1 ON 1 も確実にこなせる上に、この上ないアンセルフィッシュなプレイヤーで、しっかりとオープンの選手にパスが出来ますし、オンボールスクリーンを使うのもうまいです。バスケットボールに非常に真摯に取り組む選手で、年齢以上の成熟ぶりを感じます。HOSゲームでは体調が万全では無い中でも36点をあげ、チームを勝利に導いてくれました。非常に賢く、タフな選手で、勝つために必要なことはどんなことでもしてくれる、という期待を持っています。得点が必要なら得点、アシストが必要ならアシスト、ディフェンスやリバウンドが必要ならそれも出来るし、チームをまとめる”声”も出せる本当の意味でオールラウンドな選手であり、人物です。彼が沖縄のバーンズ選手やマクヘンリー選手レベルをシャットダウン出来ると本当に今シーズンが面白くなって来ます。彼を直接見るまで彼の才能がわかりませんでしたが、非常に楽しみにしています。

He played for Fukuoka last season and this will be his second year in the bj league.  He was given limited time in Fukuoka, but since Coach Duncan took over, he started playing more and established himself as a clutch shooter.  I met him in a camp in Los Angels and found out he is not merely a spot up shooter.  He can drive, attack in 1 on 1 situation and very unselfish.  He makes extra passes and is very good at using on ball screens.  He is very serious about his profession and more matured than his age.  Although he was not in a perfect shape, he scored 36 points against LA Loops in Hos Game, led the team to a victory.  He is a very intelligent and tough player, who is willing to do anything the team needs to win.  Let it be scoring, assists, defense, rebounds or vocally leading the team.  He is an all around player in true sense, and overall he is a great person.  If he can shut down the players, such as Mr. Burns and Mr. Machenry from Okinawa, this season will be the one we should all look forward to.  I did not know his talent until I actually saw him with my own eyes, but I am so excited to have him on our squad.





